For the past week, I've been reflecting on a post I read, forwarded to me by a friend, regarding the incredible life and passing of a beautiful dog. I don't know the author of the post, but in reading the touching tribute to her pal, looking at photos, and perusing earlier posts, I feel I got to know her, if only just to connect through the love of a dog.
Why feel so connected to this particular person? Because the post was about her buddy, Brody, a Rottweiler. (I can almost hear the collective "ahhh's..." happening right now as we realize why I felt so strongly about this post.) Not only that, upon entering her site and reading her past missives, she appears to own a gaggle of Rotties! We could only wish.
I may have said it before but it bears repeating--there's a special kinship felt among owners of this beautiful, strong, proud breed. We experience it all the time when we're out and about with our Gabs and people stop to admire her. Why is this? Maybe because it's not a commonality to have this be the dog of choice among American households. Or maybe it has to do with the crappy reputation that follows this breed, due more often than not, to bad parenting instead of a bad dog, of which responsible owners are eager to contradict and dispute. ("No, it's not a muzzle, it's actually a training too for leash-walking.")
Anyway, as I sobbed my way through that post because the dog bore an unbelievable resemblance to Gabby and the content was just so poignant (oh YES, it was heart-wrenching, but no less endearing), it got me thinking, naturally of our sweet and lovable Gabby, and the life we've built around her and for her. As she just passed her 7th birthday, and age creeps slowly into her graying beard and into her once spry limbs, I'm reminded daily of time going by at a rapid clip--and hoping (praying) that we still have a few (several!) good years left with our girl.
There is no greater playmate or protector I'd rather have for you, dear Garrett, to grow up with. This dog has loved you since the day we brought you home and the feeling is mutual. So this post is dedicated to Gabby~an homage throughout our years together, with hopes, prayers, and wishes for many more.
And for those interested in reading the post I referred to, grab a tissue (or an entire box of...) and click here.
And the images are endless. I mean, I could seriously choose 100 pictures of her and not even come to close to getting them all. But I hope I captured some of her essence and personality and just how much a part of our family she is. We love you, Gabby. Then, now and always.
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