We were on vacation this week, you and me. Going into it, I didn't really have anything planned but we certainly made the most of it. Luckily for us, it also happened to probably be the best week of the entire summer in terms of weather. Each day was flawless.
We started the week at a morning play date with your adorable little friend, A. You rode around in her pink Cadillac while she put her arm around you and advanced her mom's and my ages by 15 years or so as it looked like we were spying on a first date. Oh boy.
After that, you, Gabs and I hit the playground for a "walk in the woods" as you call it.
Tuesday we headed north to Camden-Rockland. We haven't been all summer, and I was really itching to go. Who cares about summer traffic! First stop was one of our favorite libraries---the Camden Public Library. They have such a fantastic children's room--you love it!
Then we took a stroll by the water, marveled at the boats, and found a waterfall.
Then we climbed the amphitheater steps.
Then you asked to have your pic taken with this bear.
We meandered our way to Rockland, and the first stop was to The Brown Bag for lunch. We spent some time in Planet Toys and then shared an ice cream while you pondered some art. Actually, I think you were counting the rocks.
Wednesday brought another first for you...your first ride on a big boat. Oh sure, you've ridden on the pirate ship and swan boat at Storyland, but this was the real deal. On the ocean! You LOVED it. We went to Peaks Island for lunch with Grammie and Grampie. Island living looks so delicious. Maybe someday...
Then later that night, with only a little nap in you, we went to Brunswick's music on the mall, featuring children's music. You met up with a few of your friends and had a blast. Too little nap plus friends, equals not listening and lots of trouble :) It was fun tho! And your dance moves are hilarious.
Thursday brought...beach with the cousins! But not just any beach, our favorite beach! Ogunquit. Sadly, the tide was moving rapidly in, and we were really scrunched for space. But you and the girls seemed to have an awesome time anyway. It's so wonderful to watch the three of you play. You have a blast!
Friday was a low key day. We were fully enrolled in 'potty boot camp'. Potty training has been...well, a slow process. You've been really great about going every night...with no qualms about doing 1 or 2 on the toilet. It's during the day that's the issue. However, to be fair, we are never home to allow it. SO, I decided to dedicate the weekend to it. Have you run around in underwear and force you to let me know when you needed to go. You've done an awesome job and I am cautiously optimistic that we are on our way to being fully potty trained. I'm so proud of you!
Saturday, we began the morning with potty, and then decided to take a break and take Gabby to the Dog Days of Summer event at LL Bean. We even entered Gabby into the "Best Kisser" contest. But she refused to perform on demand and alas, no win. She did get plenty of love throughout the event though.
Then it was such a nice evening last night, we took Gabby for a walk around Brunswick, got some ice cream, and sat on a bench. Summer moments...the best.
Which brings us to today...Sunday. Our final day on vacation. All week, we would randomly break into our song "We're on vacation, we're on vacation...we're on vaaaa-caaa-tion..." Today, however, the reality of going back to work and school tomorrow made today even just a little more bittersweet. Another beautiful day capped off the end of our time, and where better to spend it then the beach. This time, we headed to Georgetown's Reid State Park. I'd only been to this park a few times, usually bothered by the infestation of mosquitoes and biting flies. But today was glorious. No bugs, barely a crowd, and you. The end to our perfect vacation.
How do I know you had a good time this week? Because nearly all of our days ended like this:
After we got home from the beach and you were transferred right to bed for a nap, Gabs and I sat outside to enjoy the sunshine together. How did this dog not win the best kisser contest?!
And so tonight, at dinner, we looked across the table from each other and said, "Our vacation is....oooooover." I know one thing's for sure, I'll be missing you so much tomorrow as we get back to our routines. You've been joined at my hip all week long, as we've had adventure after adventure.
I came across this saying just recently and just think it's so perfect to describe you and me, this week in particular. Love you my sweet!

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