The big weekend started on the 3rd, a few days after Daddy's birthday, and the day before yours. Daddy had the whole weekend off, the weather was, surprisingly, lovely and while we had many grand ideas as to where to go and what to do, we decided on going to Portland.
The day started with breakfast at what used to be our favorite spot, The Porthole (not so much anymore). We wound our way around the city, stopping at another favorite joint, Treetop Toys, where we found a rather appropriate chapeau for you.
Then we went to Bull Moose Music, where we ran into these guys. You don't know much about Star Wars now, kid, but if Daddy has his way, you'll be well-versed in all things force related. I'm not really sure who was more excited, you or Daddy. Although at the end of the day when asked what your favorite part of the day was, you said "Pictures with the robots!" Sounds about right.
After that, it was off the the playground...
After the playground, it was off to Fort William and Portland Headlight. Truly one of the most picturesque spots in Portland, and probably, Maine. Naturally the first thing you wanted to do was...throw rocks.
Next up, playtime at the fort.
So a pretty busy day spent in Portland. That night, we celebrated Daddy's birthday by going to Petrillo's in Freeport. Then that night, after you went to bed, we did this so you'd wake up and do that...
So your actual birthday was kind of a cloudy drizzly day. It started with Frosty's donuts, and to our new favorite activity-- bowling. You kind of loved it. And you kind of beat us.
After bowling, it was lunch and nap. After nap, another first...your first real movie theater experience. We saw the DisneyNature film Bears. It was awesome! And you did manage to share that popcorn with us.
We wrapped up the evening with the first of many birthday cakes.
Fast forward to the following weekend where we celebrated yet again, this time with the family. Grammie and Grampie were kind enough to host so that Auntie Meara et al could come up too. Pizza and cake! You love your family!
After cake, I promised you a wardrobe change. I have to say, you did pretty great staying in that bow tie all day. I appreciate that.
I'm pretty sure you partied hard that day since you passed out before we even reached the highway!
When thinking about a party with your friends, I was indecisive for awhile. May is such a fickle month, weather-wise. Last year, your party was on June 1st and it was literally 90 degrees. Or it could go the other way and be 45 degrees and rainy. There's just no way to tell. Given that we discovered a new found love for bowling, AND I found out the local alley held parties, it seemed like a no brainer. So with just a few of your best pals, the following weekend brought out the pint-sized bowlers. And what fun it was! And what terrific friends you have.
And so that wraps up the birthday month...cakes, storm troopers, forts, bowling, movies, family, friends, more bowling. It was a pretty awesome month. And you're four. FOUR. You amaze us.
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