What can we say about the last month? We've had library days, movie night Saturdays, haircuts, birthday parties, trips to the beach, and of course, the realization that in just a few weeks, you'll be turning FOUR. Four. 4. F O U R. Seriously? When did THAT happen? You are such a Fournager. That's right, not teenager. Fournager. Your independence and insistence on doing everything "all by my own", coupled with your sassy attitude and your inability to listen at times is giving us a glimpse of what's to come in the later years. And then sometimes, when you're sleepy or you're about to go to bed and you say something adorable to Winston the cat like "Dream of me Winnie, and I'll dream of you," then I'm reminded that you're still my little boo.
Our monthly montage of activity...
What a month. And while we've had our fun times, we've also had our challenging ones. You had one particular week that was rough....rough for you at school, rough for me to hear about...it's tough sometimes, to take your moods, your independence, your constant effort to just not listen. It gets overwhelming. And one thing you know about me by now, sweet boy, is that it gets to me. Everything gets to me! Hey, I come from a family of saps, it's in the genes. I think it's why you get so emotional too. Anyway, we work through it. We all go through these growing pains at times...and yours are just beginning. Hang on, little love, it can be a bumpy ride!
Ok, enough of that. Let's talk about movie night! Instituted by Daddy about a month ago, we've now a tradition of having it be every Saturday night, whether Daddy's working or not. First movie? Madagascar. Then a Turtle's Tale, the Sword in the Stone, Frozen, Turbo, and last night was Hop. We make popcorn, have treats, and cuddle on the couch. It's our new favorite tradition.
Now we're sprinting towards through spring, anxious for summer. What exciting times lie ahead? We'll have to wait and see...
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