It’s probably been said before, but bears repeating. Time is a funny thing, and how we view it and
relate it is even more intriguing. A
month from today, our little Gman turns 2.
Two. Dos. Deux. And what I keep thinking about is the fact
that we are done referring to him in terms of months. As in, he’s 18
months. Or 22 months. Nobody refers to their kid as a 26 month
old. He’s simply 2.
How quickly we make this transition.
When a woman becomes pregnant, time is referenced mostly in
weeks. 16 weeks pregnant. 22 weeks.
39. Then, when the babe arrives,
it’s still weeks for awhile, until probably after the third month, or rather 12
weeks, and then we start with chronicling through months. I’m sure this has much to do with the fact
that we anticipate milestones at certain month ranges, and of course infant
clothes are specific only to a monthly status.
But there’s something sort of sad and final about a child leaving those
stages behind, especially en route to their 2nd birthday. It means, of course, they are no longer
considered a baby, but now a full-fledged little person; a true toddler.
Sadder even, is the departure of the onesie. I LOVE the onesie. I love the short sleeves, I love the long
sleeves. I love the plain, I love the decorated. They have served us so well these nearly 24 months, that I am not even a little
bit ashamed to admit how much I’m going to miss them. A LOT.
The convenience. The extra
layer. The ease. The fact that for just a little while, I
could keep him in something that was the same from when he was a tiny little
baby to now, this robust individual. But
now it’s on to only the big-boy clothes.
My task in the coming weeks is to once again clear out his dresser
drawers of the 18 and 24 month old clothes and make room for the 2t
and beyond that await. I can already
imagine myself holding up the 3-6 month onesie and compare it to the 24 month
one. It went by in such a blink. I get it now, when my parents used to wish us
little forever. I can see myself wishing the same. It’s not always easy, but who ever said
parenting was?
So, little G, 30 more days until your big day. Four more weeks. One more month. Until you’re 2.
I'm sure you can imagine that I can totally relate! I share your feelings about the onesie especially. I remember the day I found out that they stopped at 24 months. What? Why? How? How will life go on? So Ashton is wearing mostly 3T now, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna give up my onesies. They're a little short in the arms, but I still have a little time left. I'm trying to ween myself off them by not putting them on him everyday. The end is near, and yes, I may cry a little.