Well these posts did not turn out how I had envisioned, in these final moments of single-digit childhood, stupid ineffective website! We are on the eve of your birthday, GPK, and tomorrow you'll be 10 years old. I just blew out all my hot air in 10 balloons (nearly giving myself a heart attack as I blew one up a little bit too big and it popped like a shot going off in the night. Never doing THAT again.)
Anyway, here we are. Presents are wrapped. Cake is waiting. A quarantine birthday during a global pandemic is not how I envisioned your 10th birthday to be like. But we'll get through it, like we do all things---together.
I love you, Garrett P. Keegan. You made me a mother. You taught me the stunning ability to love something more than I ever thought possible. I've spent a decade watching you grow, learn, question, laugh, cry, yell, play, create...and so much more. There are so many nuances to you.
We are so proud of you and we LOVE you so very much.
Happy 10th Birthday, our sweet boy.
loving you to the moon and back,
Momma 💟