Yikes! Four months have gone by...there's so much to write on...post on...reflect on...and now that it's the magical season of chaos, I feel like time is just going to continue to slip away.
New Year's Resolution #1...commit more to this blog. These days, I get caught up in reading a good book (not a bad excuse, by the way) or watching a good tv show (probably a bad excuse), or just being so tired from running around all week between work, school, play, soccer, cub scouts, swimming, or whatever else is happening at that moment, that this has taken a back burner. Not a good enough excuse either. So for this entry, less commentary, more pictures, and starting with the most recent. Let's start with just a great morning shot taken last month...fall skies are so beautiful. Just outside our porch one morning #nofilter.

We've been on Thanksgiving break the last few days and with dad working the typical retail holiday hours, we've made the most if it. We went to the Feztival of Trees courtesy of the Kora Shriners of Lewiston; spent Thanksgiving day with Grammie and Grampie; visited the playground, the library, and of course, the grocery store. Saw the Northern Lights Celebration in Freeport; watched the tree lighting and took a horse and carriage ride in Brunswick, and spent a lot of time snuggling, watching Christmas movies (Rudolf, Frosty, and the Grinch, of course), reading with the kitties, and drinking cocoa. Not a bad way to spend a few days. The return to reality tomorrow will be tough.
So much more to recap...soccer season, the week of no power (!!), daily goofiness, Halloween, apple picking, the start of school, the end of summer. Stay tuned!