13 June 2014

A love letter to daycare.

So this week has been a doozy.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that it doesn't take much for me to get emotional. It's just in my genes. (Ask my sister or mother...we all come by it honestly.)

This week was a big deal.  Garrett transitioned to a new school; preschool.  Away from his comfortable little world that he's been in since he was 10 months old.  He started the week and spent three days at the new school.  He did well, has been excited to go back every day, and while it's a totally different experience than where he's been, I'm hopeful. That said, it was a transition week--Thursday and Friday were spent at the family daycare he's been at for so long.  Which meant that tonight, upon pickup, was when we had to say goodbye.

So on this day, as I wind down from a difficult week, and with Garrett not truly understanding, what I feel to be, the magnitude of it all, I want try to capture it in what I would think would be his voice if he was a little bit older and understood.

Here goes...a love letter...not only to his provider, who has loved him since the first day he arrived to her house, but also to his friends...the friends he's spent every day with for the past 3+ years.   This is for them.

Dear Ms. Helen, Carson, and Bernardo,

Today was my last day! But I don't think I realized it....and I don't think Carson and Bernardo did either.  But you did, Ms. Helen.  You knew. 

To Carson and Bernardo...you've been like brothers to me...we've had our squabbles, but we always made up with hugs and friendship.  We were essentially each other's first friends. We spent alot of time together.  We learned to share, create, celebrate and explore from and with each other.  We've been rascals. We've been sweet.  We've been mad and frustrated.  Before we could talk, we probably acted out in ways that made Ms. Helen wish the day would go by faster.  But we got through it. 

And now we're older. We've been together for so long.  Every night I would talk about you to my mommy on our ride home---telling her the things we did (sometimes tattling and letting her know who got time outs and how many).  Whenever something new happened to me at home or away from you guys, I would ALWAYS say "i have to tell Carson and Bernardo about this."  No matter what it was about. When I was learning my ABC's...the first three were easy because I'd always say "B" for Bernardo, "C" for Carson. Well actually, for a long time, I said "Barno"...but eventually I got it right.  

We've fought over the lawnmower and the swings outside...we've run in the sprinkler, played in the snow, and stomped in the mud.  We've planted flowers, painted pictures, examined bugs, and watched a butterfly take flight.  We've had the best of times. And now we'll be apart...but I hope we can find ways to see each other.  Whether it be mini golfing and ice cream with Carson or picnics and playground time with Bernardo, I hope we find a way to still grow up together.  

To Ms. Helen...your tireless patience, love, and devotion cannot be measured! You have greeted us every morning with a smile, hugged us when we were sad, fixed our boo-boo's when we got scrapes, and helped to foster our friendships.  Thank you.  Thank you for you and your family, who love us so, and we love you too! Thank you for the work you put into our days...the projects and art work we've created (my mommy can't seem to help but save everything I've done!).  Thank you for making holidays special, birthdays magical, and every day wonderful.  Thank you for feeding us such delicious food, teaching us songs, numbers, letters, and inspiring creativity.  Thank you for having Mr. Bill come to read to us every week...for Hailey to come play with us when she got home from school, and Mr. Bert to help watch us when he got home too.  Your family is our family.  

So today was the last day...I was probably a little bit wound up.  I don't really understand what is happening. And I won't for awhile. But mommy will make sure that I know eventually...that I will know how loved and cared for I was by you these first and early years of my life...and how being in your care was the greatest stepping stone I could have had to launch me into the next phase of growth.  I don't understand the depth of it now but someday I will, I promise.  For all you've done and more...thank you. We've been so lucky.

This is not goodbye. It's simply, see you later.

08 June 2014

New beginnings.

This is it.  Tomorrow is your first day of preschool.  I know, it's kind of strange to be starting school at the beginning of the summer.  But that's what's happening, and it's happening tomorrow.  June 9th. I'll always remember that date now as your official start of school because it was also the date I graduated High School...in 1995!  But I digress.

This post is short and sweet...the emotions are overwhelming and there is not enough room in this endless page to host the magnitude of feelings that are bursting inside me. 

Today, I overheard you in a conversation with Grammie while she was helping you in the bathroom.  She said to you "What's happening tomorrow?"  You said, "I start my new school.  I'm a little nervous.  But it'll be ok."  You said it so matter of fact.  The notion that you even identified this feeling, voiced it, and then made yourself feel ok about it is mind boggling to me.

So with that I will tell you, you're right.  It WILL be ok. YOU will be ok.  Tomorrow begins something wonderful for you. You'll have your moments, no doubt, but you'll be ok.  You're ready.  It's your time.  I'll try not to cry if you don't!  (Or at least I won't let you see me.)

Good luck, sweet boy.  I'll be thinking about you every second from the moment I drop you off, until the moment I race to pick you up at the end of the day and everything in between.  We can't wait to hear all about it. 

04 June 2014

The quiz.

I can't believe I forgot about the birthday quiz. I wish I had thought to do this last year, when you turned three, but better late then never. We asked you this at the end of the day on your birthday, and some of the answers were predictable, but others surprised us! The goal is to do this every year until...well until we just don't do it anymore.

Okaaaaaaay, now let's analyze.  The first five didn't really surprise me...although we read Bear Snores On way more when you were younger (younger! ha! as if you're some old man).  Your favorite show being Arthur surprised me only because while you used to watch it alot, you haven't in awhile.  

The next one is baffling...Milk and Corn??? Ok milk I understand...it's what you drink half of the time, the other half being water.  So milk I get.  But corn? Honestly, I thought you were going to say spaghetti and meatballs...or pizza....or tacos...or hamburgers (or as you say, 'hangleburgers').  So corn really threw me for a loop and even though it was the first thing you said, I had to question it and say reaaaally, are you SURE CORN is your favorite?  Yep.  Alright then.

Favorite thing to do with your family...clean up dishes?!?! HAHAHAHA! Oh sweet boy, you're on your way to being the perfect helper.  No, seriously, you love putting your own dish into the sink after dinner, and ours too. 

What makes you happy?  A word that has poop in it.  Yep, let the potty talk begin.
What makes you sad? Awww.  I think you are more sad when you know that you've done something that Daddy is not happy with...like when you don't listen...and when you don't listen.  And oh, when you don't listen.

Fave outfit? Cozy pants.  No shock there. Favorite animal...cow?? Not quite sure about that one. Your favorite song--the pooh/yore song, also known as Gotye's Somebody that I Used to Know.  Why? Because for some reason, the first time it played in the car, you were in the backseat bouncing your Pooh and Giraffe (who's name is Eyeore but you call Yore) and they apparently were dancing.  Then it became a song that you requested.  Once on the ride in to school, once on the ride home.  THEN one day you started singing back! It's hilarious and funny and I love that you apparently can carry a tune.

Favorite sport---bowling.  Ok this could be because lately we've been on a bowling kick, but if I were being honest, I'd say baseball, which you call "bat slam!" is your fave.  I cannot WAIT for you to be in tee-ball.

16 and 17...no surprises there.  18?  Made.me.melt.  19 was sorta surprising since the last time I asked you, you had a totally different answer.  We'll see! and finally, #20...a perfect answer.

It'll be fun to see how these answers change (or stay the same!) as the years progress...