But we're nearing the end of this very short, yet brutally wintery month, and while we haven't done anything really too exciting, we've still had fun. We've spent weekends in our pajamas; putting puzzles together, playing with ships, and a sneaky snacky squirrel. We've done some baking, played outside with Gabby, got haircuts and taken some early morning winter photos. You've spent time with Grammie and Grampie, had pizza date nights with me, played ALOT of indoor soccer and celebrated Valentine's day with chocolate and sprinkled dipped strawberries. Not a bad month despite enduring the endless snow.
So there we have it...the end of the month draws near...the promise of spring looms even though the ground is still thickly covered in a frozen blanket. It's been a long winter, but this is Maine, after all, and we've made the most it.