Summer has barely started and yet already I feel it zipping
by. The spring was a whirlwind of
birthdays, packing, and of course, the big move, thrown in with several rainy
days and chilly temps. But now it’s
officially summer! In a few days, we’ll be at our special Maine spot; hiking
the Bowl, partaking in buttery popovers and strolling the Main Street with you
and Gabs in tow.
Speaking of Gabs, a few weekends ago, I took the two of you
to one of our favorite watery oasis’.
The rocky beach at Mitchell Field in Harpswell. Here, you waded in,
unafraid, the cold water lapping at your ankles as you eagerly tossed the ball
to Gabby over and over again. I love how
you two play.
Then one night, on the ride home from work, I said, tonight we’re getting our haircut! And I bribed you, for the first time ever, with the promise of ice cream, if you sat like a good boy and let them chop your strands. You were so good! You got your ice cream, but then got forlorn when the bowl was soon empty. Your big boy haircut is sweet and makes you even more delicious. You’re still my little peach even though you look so grown up.
This past weekend was hot hot hot. Daddy got you a water table because we know
how much you love to play with the one at daycare. Gabs enjoyed checking it out too. She
approves. That same day, Grammie and Grampie came over. You were so funny, splishing and splashing, then bolting through the yard. A storm was coming so we had to cut playtime
short. Not before, however, you stripped out of your shorts and ran with just
your diap. You’re kinda like a little Huck Finn.
Inside, you expertly put pennies into the giant piggy bank from G & G. You read books, played silly games, and overall had a grand time showing them your new house and all your toys.
On Sunday, we went to Popham Beach. The key for Popham this time of year is to get there early and preferably at low tide. We managed to do both. It was a glorious day. Sparkling, crystal waters, shimmery soft sand. This is what Maine is about.
You are such a fish. I think you'd stay in the water all day if we let you. You have no fear and we love hearing you squeal as you run in and out of the waves. You're hilarious! Can't wait for more days like this, stretched out ahead of us throughout the summer. I hope it slows down, so we can savor every minute.