Earlier this week, a young professor out on maternity leave came
by my office to show off her adorable 5 week old son. The babe, nestled comfortably in his momma’s
Moby, slept through what we like to call a “goo-goo visit”. His tiny hand rested comfortably on the
fabric, his head tilted to the side, fast asleep as we stared in awe of this
little being, so precious and sweet.
Of course it got me remembering when G was that small (was
he ever that small???) and how fast the time in between has gone. It’s so cliché when parents of older children
tell new parents to enjoy these stages now because before you know it, you’ll
be handing over the keys to your car and shipping them off to college. But it really is true. I found myself saying to her to enjoy those
delicious baby moments because, like they say, it does go by so fast. Granted, the stage we’re at now is pretty
fantastic—there’s a little person who scampers through the house, squealing at
the top of his lungs, dunking basketballs, enticing the dog, and dodging
mommy-tickles. So different from a year
ago now when he was just on his way to learning how to crawl.
I recently was looking at some early baby photos of him,
marveling at how different he looks now, yet with those same sparkling blue
eyes, that cute button nose, and those full, squishable kissable lips. Our baby is in there somewhere...and he won’t
be disappearing anytime soon.
Those early days. |
See what I mean? Squishable! |
Such a rock star. |
No words describe the cuteness. |
Head up! |
Happy in my swing. |
Not so happy in these leaves. |

The lean-in |
Crawling away... |
The early standing up days. |
Mrs Bear is my best friend! |
Bar Harbor hotel room |
Still the rock star. |
4th of july weekend. Not feeling too good |
Trying new hairstyles! |
Chillin' |
Pool time! |
My throne. |
Messy messy! |
Love this freezing cold water |
My apple phase. |
Too cool for school. |
Hmm...this face could mean so much |
Put those planks over there! |
I can do it! |
Funny face. |
Still angelic at 20 months. |
And now. Present day. | | | | | | | |
We've gone from a bad case of cradle cap in the beginning, to spiky peach fuzz, to flowy golden strands. We've had our first haircut, started to jump and run, and have left those crawling days behind. We throw balls with a force that makes me wonder if there's a future pitcher on our hands, but we still like to cuddle with our stuffies, and Mama and Daddy. We are fearless in the pool, jumping without aid into our arms, and still have that guttural belly laugh. In less than three months, he'll be 2. TWO. So yeah, it does go by fast. And when I look at those early days, I wonder at how I never thought I'd forget the way he felt or looked when he was teeny, and yet, I can't seem to remember anything but the present. He's our marvel.